Monday, March 9, 2009

Not about politics

One of the saddest comments I have read in a while was published in today's media.  When the restriction on embryonic stem-cell research was lifted by the President, the scientific community responded by saying they are glad that "ideology" is no longer leading our decisions as a nation.

I was swept to my knees to pray for a nation that has clearly lost its way in the world and has taken the word of God and respect for God's creation out of our decisions.  It is so alarming to know that those who reject God are celebrating the decisions of a president who professes Christ as Savior because he is not allowing Christian convictions to lead his decision making.

This is not a political statement, I am not a Republican or Democrat, my trust is not in men.  I am just worried for our nation.  Yes, I said worried.  God has made it clear what will happen to a nation that ignores the word of God - and since I am part of that nation, the truth is clear, we will face the punishment.

Please join me in praying for a spiritual renewal to sweep our nation, for the church to rise up; not just in political circles, but to take the gospel to our nation.  God's plan for the church in our nation has been for us to reach our nation with the gospel, not to simply take political stands.  When we focus on politics, we appear to be against people.  When we share the gospel we appear to be for people.

Rise Up, Oh Church of God!!!

fearful of the wrath of our living God,
Bro. Wade

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Merida Missions

The Merida, Mexico Mission Team experienced a great amount of love on our trip.  We were blessed to be in Merida during Valentines Day and were asked to speak at the Valentine's banquets for two different churches.  Sunday morning was a special opportunity to preach in the service and to teach about men's ministry during Sunday School.  The evenings were spent leading a church leadership conference, one of the main reasons for the trip.  Bro. Craig Blakeslee spoke each night to the leaders of children's ministry in the churches and then I spoke to the whole group about issues concerning vision, unity, values, discipleship, conflict resolution, and small groups.  We appreciate the Lord's work in bringing us together with ministers from across Merida and allowing us a brief time to disciple them.

We also led in a few evangelistic services where we saw the Lord strengthen small churches and reach several who accepted the Lord as their Savior.  Praise the Lord for each one and for the many who heard the word.

We were blessed with great weather, safe travel, and wonderful food.  Thank you to all who prayed for us and for the Lord to work through us.

On Mission Daily,
Bro. Wade