Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Time Fun

Every year Summer brings many changes. For many our schedules change; with students and teachers taking a break from school, the daylight hours growing longer creating more time in the evenings for outdoor work and activities, and three-day weekends and vacations offering some respite from the normal schedules. Summer changes often bring much good to our lives, a refreshing time for our families.

Summer brings other changes too, lots of busyness for many. Yes some are the same, with vacation and three-day weekends comes the need to work longer hours to get all our responsibilities finished in order to get the time off. And with others taking off for their vacations, it often increases our work loads. Thus, Summer often increases the workload and stress level for many.

Summer also brings changes to our finances. The price of gas, the cost of vacations and short trips, the increase in electric bills, and the many activities our children are involved in during the Summer, all put added stress on the finances of many people.

With all that Summer brings - I have been reminded this year to . . .
1. Spend as much time with my family as possible as these years in my children's lives are not lasting long.
2. Set priorities and operate according to values, thus not allowing the things that go undone to stress me more than they should. Do what I can, and trust the Lord to show me what to do, and then trust Him to do the work He calls us to.
3. Take opportunities to minister to those around me, as they too need time away with their families.
4. Make good financial plans, stay focused in my stewardship, trust the Lord to provide all that he leads us to do.

Summer brings many good things - as long as I stay focused on Christ through it all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One day recently, my youngest son saw a man getting out of his truck and was amazed at the "new" and "cool" thing he saw in the man's truck. He said he had a "cool" handle in the door of his truck that he could turn and the truck window would go up or down. I laughed so hard, as I realized my son had never been in a vehicle that did not have power windows.

My son is so accustomed to having power windows that he did not know how to live without it. I hope that as a he grows up, he will grow just as accustomed to the power of God in his life that he will not know how to live without it. May he always recognize the power of our living God at work in him and around him, and may he always live in the fullness of that power.

I also hope that every believer who has experienced the greatness of the power of God, would also live in the power of the Lord and never attempt to live in our own power. May it surprise us to see someone attempting to live without that power and may we always be grateful for the difference God's power makes in our lives each day.

Pastor Wade

Friday, March 12, 2010

Preparing for God to move

As Spring Break week approaches, the anticipation and excitement are on the rise. There are already over 300 children (grades 1-6) pre-registered for Champs Camp and we are expecting many more to register on Monday. Tomorrow we will see college students from 6 universities from all over Texas arriving to begin their week in Harlingen. Sunday will be a day of training for all the college students and the many volunteers from FBC Harlingen. The weekend will be busy, preparing for a great week of ministry and evangelism.

This is our 12th year for Champs Camp at FBC Harlingen; a great sports camp that includes 12 sporting events (including bowling, gymnastics, karate, football, baseball, tennis, golf, etc.), as well as great worship, bible study, and craft times. Several churches, local businesses and the city of Harlingen partner with FBC Harlingen to care for the children of Harlingen, while many of their parents are working during Spring Break. It is one more way, we show our community how much we love them and love their children - sacrificially and passionately.

Please join us in praying for the many families that will be a part of this great event. Pray for the children and their parents. Pray for the college students and leaders as they travel and work long hours each day. Pray for the many volunteers who will sleep little, work hard, and love passionately - all week.

We are anticipating a great move of God and expecting many lives to be changed - if God's people pray.

Pastor Wade

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Family Fiesta 2009

We had prayed for God to give us great weather for the Family Fiesta; even mud from rain days before would cause great problems with our "block party" style event. We were more than blessed to not see a cloud all day, to have cool temperatures, and a gentle breeze (so as not to bother the upright plywood games and the inflatables). This is the second such event that the weather was extremely perfect for the event - so glad we serve a mighty, sovereign God.

We were so thankful for another opportunity to love our community and neighborhood with the grace and love of Jesus. So many thanked us for the free event, and shared how much it meant to them and their families. It was with great joy we shared with them how God had done the good work and that we only wanted them to know how much God loved them. The smiles in response were so bright and enthusiastic.

We were so blessed to serve together as the body of Christ. We saw many come together for the set up, the non-stop acts of service during the event, and the clean up following the event. I am so blessed to pastor the best church in the world, the best people in the world, and the most humble, serving church. God has brought us together for a reason and a season. I am so glad to see that during this season we are fulfilling that reason as we reach out to our community with his love. God bless each of you who served so powerfully today.

Thankful for all the changed lives today,
Bro. Wade

Monday, June 15, 2009

First Day of Vacation Bible School

The church buildings were filled with lots of noise today, VBS has begun. The fun and the worship were very loud in the worship center (over 400 people, most children, can easily make a lot of noise in one room). The halls were filled with laughter and chatter as the kids moved from one activity to the next. The gym was packed with excited, screaming kids running and playing (praise God for an air conditioned gym).

But noise is not all the church was filled with today, the place was filled with love. The kids were all eager to give high-fives, hugs, or smiles as they passed you in the halls. They somehow know that when they come on to the property and enter the buildings that the halls and rooms are filled with the love of God - because the hearts of all the people are filled with God's love. I enjoyed watching the youth serve snacks, help with crafts, or carry a little one who just wanted someone to carry them (for many it was there first VBS, and their first time away from Mom in a new place).

I watched our leaders carefully teach the truth of God's word to the children, knowing that God's word would never return void - that it would change their lives. I saw the results of many hours of preparation, as the rooms were decorated with great imagery. I saw smiles on the faces of the adults as they willingly gave of their time, money, and love to care for these kids and hopefully make a difference in their lives, - - - if even for just one day.

I look forward to the rest of the week, to see what all God is going to fill this place with each day.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Adam's Surgery

Adam will be having surgery on his eyes July 15th in Corpus Christi.  He was born with a problem that causes his eyes to have tremors, a rather common health issue that most children outgrow by age 9.  Adam is almost 12 and has not outgrown it, so the doctor plans to operate on both eyes to perform a procedure that usually helps to alleviate this problem.  

The doctor will do the same procedure on both eyes in the same surgery.  He will stretch the muscle on one side of the eye and will then cut the muscle on the other side of the eye and then sew it back together.  Apparently severing the nerve often reduces the amount of tremors the nerve produces in the eye.

Adam will be under anesthesia for the operation that is suppose to take about 4 hours.  We will be in Corpus for three days and will then return home.  (day before surgery, day of, and day after).  This is considered an out patient procedure, we will take him to the hotel room with us that evening, and we will return home the day after the procedure.  The nurse said Adam should be ready for normal life (except swimming for two weeks) the day after surgery.

We appreciate all who will pray.  Please know that Adam is not nervous at all, he is rather excited that his vision will hopefully improve.  His faith in God is very strong, as he reminds us daily that God has this all under control.

Thank you for praying,
Bro. Wade (a thankful dad)

Block Party - Loving Harlingen

Imagine with me . . . a city block covered in people from the community, drawn to this block by the Holy Spirit.  The body of Christ finding ways to love the people who come by serving them in various ways, encouraging them, praying over them, and sharing the good news of Christ with them.  This was the dream the Lord laid on my heart a few months ago and this past Sunday we saw the dream come true.

The Body of Christ went door to door Sunday morning in the downtown area of Harlingen, passing out fliers and personally inviting our neighbors to come to a block party.  Several Christian friends from another church had gone around the neighborhood the evening before inviting all who were home to the block party as well - the body of Christ drawn together in unity as we love Harlingen together.  

The set up went rather quickly as so many volunteers came to help.  What a joy to watch so many servants from FBC Harlingen come together for a common purpose.  They worked tirelessly, loved so passionately, stayed to clean up and spoke often of their desire to see this event happen again.  

The large tent for eating (the 856 hot dogs, 800 bags of chips, and 1000 drinks were all consumed), the Edge (35 feet tall double slide) and the other inflatables were all visible draws for the crowd.  The antique cars, motorcycles, and fire truck were all great conversation starters, allowing many witnessing opportunities.  The dunking booth, fall festival games, and basketball hoops allowed the children to test their skills and have some athletic fun.  The pony rides and hay ride were something out of the ordinary that the kids and parents all loved.   The snow cone tent, the balloon animal tent, and the health fair tent were all widely attended and appreciated by all who participated.  The fishing boat casting-center sponsored by the IronMen ministry developed the potential anglers in the crowd.  Everything was a complete success!!!

We were blessed to prayer walk the block, to pray with many who shared their troubles with us, and to love on many.  I remember the couple whose house is being condemned by the end of this month and who were looking for a new place to rent.  I remember the autistic boy who did not speak, but who smiled big to have a cherry flavored snow cone to eat.  I remember the families who came to thank us for a hot dog meal - that cost us a dollar (how humbling it was).  I remember the smiles on the children's faces that seemed to never stop; that is until they had to leave for home.

The weather was suppose to be hot and humid, but God blessed us with cloud cover and a great breeze that made the day cool enjoyable.  God kept the rain away all afternoon, but brought the temperature down for a day that would draw the crowds out of their homes.

The entire day was seen by all as a miraculous day where the Lord expressed his sovereignty, and revealed his love to the world through the church.  Like many others, I am just thankful that the Lord used me in such a great endeavor.

Loving Harlingen every day,
Bro. Wade