Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation Bible School

This year had to be the best VBS that I have experienced in 25 years of ministry.  There was a sweet spirit throughout the church, which I believe was due to the many who prayer walked the church campus early in the morning, late in the afternoon, and throughout the day.  Thank you prayer walkers.  

There were so many volunteers this year that people were not overwhelmed, so the stress level was down, the work load was manageable, and there were fewer problems to work through.  We are so blessed to have the great volunteers in our children's ministry.  Every need was met, every child was loved, every class was enjoyed, and every worker was blessed.  

From the kitchen crew, to the office staff, from the youth group, to our eldest adults; we appreciate every person who served so selflessly.  This past week was truly an amazing adventure as we saw every age group in the community come together to make VBS 08 a huge success.  

Thankful for the servants of the Lord,
Bro. Wade