Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankful - and I hope it shows

Looking back over the past year, there is so much in my life for which I am thankful.  Yes, there are many things that could have caused me to look back with a sense of agony, but God has taken that which was meant for evil and turned it all into something good (the testimony of Joseph in Genesis).  He has worked all things together for good (Romans 8:28).  I cannot help but praise the name of JESUS no matter what my circumstances are or will be; God is worthy of my praise.

As I prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I look forward to the splenda pumpkin pie, the world's best dressing and dumplings (my mouth is watering, how about yours); but the focus of my mind and heart right now is "what am I most thankful for this year?"  This question stumps me every year, for my list is so long.

I have learned to take one day at a time and to never take any day for granted.  I celebrate the year that God has given me with my family and friends.  Following a life change experience like I had last January, I now desire for my life to have maximum impact every day, every month, every year.  I cannot and will not take any time I have left for granted, but will treasure it all with the joy the Lord brings to my life.

I am thankful for my loving wife, my amazing children, and for the greatest church family in the whole world; but this year, I am most thankful for this moment of time, for this breath, for this thought, for . . . now!  

And I give all my "nows" to the Lord for HIS glory.  This is how I express my thankfulness, not just praying over a meal once a year, but all year long.

What are you doing with your "nows?"

Thankful for all the "nows" God gives me each day.
Bro. Wade