Throughout the week at Champs Camp we have seen God work in the lives of so many children (and their parents). We have had the privilege of loving children who attend churches all over the valley and many children who do not attend any church. We had families from different religions and many denominations take part in Champs Camp. We are so thankful for the outreach to the community and for the opportunity for churches in Harlingen to come together.
We were blessed to see many children trust Christ as their Savior by the end of the week. Their lives have been changed forever as a result of all the love and labor poured into Champs Camp. One girl prayed to accept Christ as her savior on Thursday morning as her mother drove her to FBC; they prayed in the car and by the time she arrived, she was a new person in Christ. What a privilege to share Jesus with these great kids and their families.
Thursday night was a great and glorious night - a little LOUD, but it was great. We were in "standing room only" mode, but the many parents who attended were gracious and patient. The children revealed to us how much fun they have had this week, and our "Champions in Christ" were revealed to us as well. So many children dedicated their hearts and minds to Christ and will be his mighty champions at school and at home.
Please continue to pray for our "Champions" as they re-enter their schools this next week. Please pray for our volunteers, deacons and staff as the follow-up now begins. Please pray for the families that were challenged in their faith this past week. Pray that as they have been challenged and as the first Sunday after Champs Camp is Easter that God will bring many of those families into a closer walk with Christ during this time of year that we focus on Christ and God's love for us.
Thank you for serving in and praying for Champs Camp. It was a GREAT WEEK!
Challenged to be a Champion,
Bro. Wade