Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcome to the Blakeslee family

Craig Blakeslee was called by FBC Harlingen this morning (with a 98.7% vote) to serve as our Minister of Children and Discipleship. What a blessing Craig and his family will be to our church family. We pray that we will be a great blessing to their family as well.

The Blakeslee family has travelled to San Antonio to attend the Southern Baptist Convention this week. They will continue to serve our mission church in Arroyo City through July 1 and will begin full time status at FBC on July 8. Craig will be leading music during Vacation Bible School (something planned before he was considered for our position) and he will be joining our children's ministry activities for some of our local events before July 8.

Please being praying for the Blakeslee family as they purchase a house and begin their transition.

Thankful for a great staff,
Bro. Wade